Tuesday, May 17, 2011


A polish adverb, or interjection (as is used at Camp Wojtyla), meaning "all right!" or "good".

Pronounced simply: "Dōbja!"

This is our "camp word"-- we say this when something epically awesome has occurred... which is pretty often! I can't wait to get back in to the habit!

Camp Wojtyla Counselors say "Dobrze!" at the
end of an incredible and unforgettable summer! 

 Can't wait to see these mountains! Dobrze, God! 


JP II... Pray for Us!

1 comment:

  1. With the fire today at St. Malo I was searching for pictures of the Summer Camp there as I was an original camper there from 1981-1984 before they shut down the summer camp and turned it into more of a retreat. I immediately picked out some of your pictures while googling (old candle shop/movie house, the chapel on the rock and crater pond. How awesome that you are experiencing the same things I did in my youth over 30 years ago. God Bless! Tim - Erie CO
