Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why Wojtyla?

When many hear Camp Wojtyla, a common response is "bless you". What's with the funny-looking name, huh?

Well, the answer to that question makes me unimaginably excited. The namesake of Camp Wojtyla was an incredibly holy and faithful man. Karol Wojtyla. Pope John Paul the second. John Paul the Great. JP II. Blessed John Paul the Second.

But what does Bl. JP II have to do with a camp? More than you can imagine! As a priest, JP II was known for taking his students camping and hiking in the Polish countryside.

JP II Hiking.

Also, when in Denver for World Youth Day in 1993, he made a visit to St. Malo's, where he hiked. The path he followed is now named after him, and is the first hike I made as a Camp Wojtyla staffer.

The JP II trailhead.

Further, Bl. JP II had a great tenderness for youth. He is at the heart of the mission of Camp Wojtyla, and there isn't a day that goes by when the call-and-response of "JP II... pray for us!" isn't heard.

Blessed John Paul II understood the value of youth as purveyors of the Gospel. He recognized the need to reach out to youth-- He was not content to wait until they had "grown up" to know the Lord. He instated World Youth Day during his Papacy to highlight his love and importance he placed on young people.

JP II said some beautiful things to the youth:

"Young people, Christ, the Church, the world, all depend and wait upon the witness of your lives, founded in the truth which Christ has revealed to us!" (1987)

"At the beginning of the third millennium, you also, young people, are called to proclaim the message of the Gospel with the testimony of your lives. The Church has need of your energies, your enthusiasm, of your youthful ideals to make the Gospel permeate the fabric of society and bring about a civilization of real justice and love free of discriminations. Now more than ever, in a world often without light and without the courage of noble ideals, it is not the time to be ashamed of the Gospel. Rather, it is the time to preach it from the housetops." (2004)

"My experience of young people tells me that they are interested in the basic questions. Probably the first question you would want to put to me is this: "Who am I, Pope John Paul II, according to the Gospel that you proclaim? What is the meaning of my life? Where am I going?" My answer, dear young people, is simple but hugely significant: You are a thought of God, you are a heart-beat of God. To say this is like saying that you have a value which in a sense is infinite, that you matter to God in your completely unique individuality." (2001)

Camp Wojtyla sees in young people what JP II did... the great power to spread the Gospel to the world. I can't read these addresses without feeling inspired!

JP II at St. Malo's.

Today is a special day. He is now Blessed. I firmly believe that his beatification is going to produce much fruit  in the "life" of Camp Wojtyla. How blessed we are to be his namesake!


Bl. JP II... Pray for Us!

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