Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where to begin?

Dear friends,

I'm discovering that I love Camp Wojtyla so much, and I am so excited about it, that I hardly know where to begin! Every time I sit down to write a blog post, I'm overwhelmed by the possibilities.

So, before I really dive in, I would love to hear from you guys. What things do you wonder about Camp? What would you love to hear about? I would love to hear your ideas, comments, or questions.

I eagerly await your return letters!


P.S. I will do my best to insure you can comment on my blog whether you are a blogger member or not... so quit your lurking and leave me a comment (with your name), please!!

JP II... Pray for Us!


  1. 1. How you heard about Camp in the first place/ how you got there the first time around.
    2. Top (insert whatever number you want here) memories from last year (stories!!).
    3. Now that you've been and have a feel of what you'll be doing, what are you looking forward to the most?
    4. Montage of your favorite pictures taken from last summer.

    If I think of any more, I'll let you know. :)

  2. I would like a picture every other day :)
    Also, I would love to hear about all of the nature!

  3. What do you resolve to do differently than last year?

  4. P.S. I'm pretty sure camp is at a different location this year. I just talked to Jesse about it this week!

  5. I want to hear all about those stories that reveal God everywhere. I am so exciting to keep reading!

  6. Kathlene and Rebecca- I'll see what I can do. :)

    Terese- I wasn't sure about the location thing either, but that is easy enough to change once I know for sure! Camp is growing so much it is hard to keep up!!

    LL- Yes ma'am! I'm glad you're reading!

  7. hey lovely,
    i would like to hear about the kids at camp.
    maybe the kind of things they struggle with and how they are changed/determined to change by the end of the week. and how does your time with them impact you?
