Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where to begin?

Dear friends,

I'm discovering that I love Camp Wojtyla so much, and I am so excited about it, that I hardly know where to begin! Every time I sit down to write a blog post, I'm overwhelmed by the possibilities.

So, before I really dive in, I would love to hear from you guys. What things do you wonder about Camp? What would you love to hear about? I would love to hear your ideas, comments, or questions.

I eagerly await your return letters!


P.S. I will do my best to insure you can comment on my blog whether you are a blogger member or not... so quit your lurking and leave me a comment (with your name), please!!

JP II... Pray for Us!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things to get before June 6th.

a.k.a. things I should have had, but didn't, last time:
  1. Sunglasses
  2. Hat and gloves
  3. Athletic swimsuit
  4. Belt
  5. Backpacking backpack
  6. Non-cotton clothing
  7. Watch (I thought my old faithful pink watch from last summer would make it, but one Pan y Vino retreat on hospitality team, and it was a goner...)
  8. In shape!! ;)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two months and counting!

Dear friends,

Amidst the absolute madness that has been my spring semester, it is easy for me to forget that I am going back to camp. And when I do remember, it makes everything a whole lot less stressful. (Unfortunately, no less busy!) It's crazy to think that in two months I'll be back in the beautiful Rockies, surrounded by incredible friends, some old, many new. I'll be encountering God face-to-face in His creation, and learning more about how to lead people to Him through incredible outdoor adventures. If you had told me at the start of my freshman year that I'd be spending my summers sleeping outside in a teepee and leading teenagers on hikes, I would have laughed at you. No, seriously.

It is amazing to see what God has done in my heart to show me what truly brings me joy through the way He is asking me to glorify Him. The confidence that I have gained in my abilities as a counselor, team member, sister, friend, and most importantly, daughter of God has enabled me to know Jesus in a way I've never experienced.

When I walked away from my friends in the Atlanta airport, I knew my life was about to get shaken up-- I didn't know how, to what extent, or even really where. Allenspark, Colorado was nothing more than an obscure dot on a google map, and Camp Wojtyla was something I could only visualize from the pictures I had stalked on facebook. I could never have begun to guess at the depth and strength of community I would find there. I couldn't predict the inner limits-- emotionally, spiritually, physically-- that I would struggle with at 13,000 ft. I didn't know the unparalleled splendor of an unpolluted night sky, and I certainly couldn't predict the beauty, laughter, tears, and prayer that would mark every single moment of my time at camp.

It was the longest and farthest I'd ever been away from home, and during that time I finally began to discover the woman God created me to be... as I mentioned before, a rather lengthy journey, but so worth it. (Sounds like winfinity to me!)

One of many beautiful things I saw in the first few days of my Camp W experience.

Until next time,


JP II... Pray for us!