I am preparing for my third summer at Camp Wojtyla! Words can't rightly express my emotions about returning, and to say I'm excited is quite the understatement. Elated, thrilled, pumped, psyched-- that's more like it.
I know the Lord has been preparing me for this summer since I left a year ago, and I am interested to see all the new ways He is going to challenge me to love and serve. He's got GREAT things in store for the staff and campers of Camp Wojtyla 2012, that much is for sure.
Anyways, I write to you now to let you know how you can get a REAL letter from a teepee! Below is our mailing address at Camp Wojtyla. Please feel free to bombard me with letters, telegrams, owl post, carrier pigeons, and care packages. And in return, you shall receive a genuine, hand-written and signed, personal letter from a teepee!!!! What a deal, folks! (I promise to be better about writing my letters than I have been about posting on this blog.)
I will be at Camp from June 4th until August 1st, so feel free to write away right away! ;)